Charleston is graced by some of the most beautiful homes in the world. Where better to entertain guests than in the courtyards, drawing rooms, piazzas and dining rooms of these special places?
From Kiawah & Seabrook to Historic Downtown Charleston and everywhere in between, Salthouse knows how to take care of these fine homes and leave them better than we find them. It’s not unheard of for us to walk a dog, water some plants and feed the kids while we’re there. Intimate dinner parties allow our chef to flex his culinary muscles with multiple courses and exciting technique. Or, we can turn your kitchen into party central.
Imagine your guests watching Chef prepare and cook crab cakes in your kitchen while chatting about the ingredients and method of preparation. He can explain where She Crab Soup gets its name and illustrate how to properly clean a crab while guests enjoy his succulent creations. All the while, you get to be a guest in your own home and actually enjoy the party too!